Accountability, Ownership & Sustainability Workshop – Nov 2022

Volunteer Services Overseas (VSO) Makueni, organized a two-day workshop on 29 and 30 November 2022 at Makindu.

The Workshop theme was: Accountability, Ownership and Sustainability.

During the Workshop, Eco Green Initiative Organizing Secretary Mr. Henry M. Mutinda was elected as Member, Committee of Measuring Impact for Learning and Empowerment (MILE).

The workshop was conducted by: Valentine Maina, Janet Okach of VSO Siaya, Lucy Asewe ( VSO Siaya ) and Mwangi Kibathi (Nairobi).

The VSO in conjucton with EGI conducted a two day workshop in Makindu

Eco Green Initiative congratulates Mr Henry Mutinda for this honor and opportunity to serve. Henry, we are proud of you, you have our support and we wish you the best.

Eco Green Initiative is proud to be associated with Volunteer Services Overseas (VSO) Makueni.

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