Eco Green Initiative Projects details and articles


Bio-gas program for schools

Eco Green Initiative proposes a project to replace the utilization of firewood and charcoal in schools as energy for cooking with Bio gas that is derived from school generated human waste. The use of Bio gas will:• Reduce school expenditure on fuel and emptying latrines• Preserve a significant number of

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Global Warming and Climate Change – Raising Public Awareness

It is vital to become aware of global warming and climate change and make other people aware of it. What is the difference between Global Warming and Climate Change? “Global warming” refers to the rise in global temperatures due mainly to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

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Raising local water tables

Long term unchecked and rampant gullying in Mulala, Emali and some parts of Mbitini locations have resulted in sharp and deep gorges and ravines. We understand that the general landscape cannot maintain sustainable moisture above the general depth of the deepest parts of the gullies. The impact of this situation

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Eco Green Initiative School-Based Environment Clubs

Project: Eco Green Initiative School based Environment Clubs (EGI E-Clubs). Eco Green Initiative (EGI) School based Environment Clubs (EGI E-Clubs) are one among six other EGI strategy projects toward public environment awareness on climate change and mitigation. This program comprises issues that address health, water and sanitation, tree planting with

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Muuni 1 Million Trees Season 2019 Support Appreciation

ECO GREEN INITIATIVE (EGI) wishes to appreciate support, commitment and partnership  extended during the December 2019 Environment awareness activities and events. The process  culminated in Public Awareness on climate change mitigation and Tree Planting events on 21  Dec 2019 (244 pax), 26 Dec 2019 (132 pax) and 30 Dec 2019

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