Tree Planting and Seedball Broadcasting Activity

Tree Planting and Seedball Broadcasting Activity, December 2022

Eco Green Initiative is spearheading a Tree planting and Seedball broadcasting activity that will take place on Saturday, 3rd December 2022 at Muuni Hill, Mulala, Emali, Makueni county.

All are welcome to participate as we try to make Makueni Green Again! 🌱

Eco Green Tree Planting and Seedball Broadcasting Banner

The meeting point will be at Mulala Market Place at 10AM.

Come prepared for a hike! Get your hiking boots out of the closet, grab your water bottles, sunscreen, sunglasses and snacks, because Trees for the Future need alot of effort from us to achieve it.

A couple of Seedballs before Broadcasting

Any support and well wishes would highly be appreciated.😃

A packet of Seedballs to be Broadcasted in 2020

So do not hesitate to tell a friend to tell a friend!

For any inquiries kindly contact EGI officials and Admins

For Logistics Contact our Organizing Secretary: Mr Henry Mutinda +254 733 870482

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